Monday, February 11, 2008

Penitent's Prayer...

In the dark vault of pride...
And haven of doom...
Got buried my glory...
May be never to rise....
As pride intersected our course...

And left behind was me...With empty despaired hands...
And a void mind...
Rummaging through the past...
Trying to fathom bring u back.

I wanna crawl back to you..
though I know not how...
For I'm stuck in my self-woven cobwebs...
And I know not the way out...
Every following effort,embroils me further...
In this labyrinth of mine...

I'm perplexed...I know not the way to reach
my destiny...The strength do I lack...
I know not the way to pray thee...
To make you again turn back...
And see...
That its no more the same me...

Your jilted memories accomplished...
which years of love couldn't...
And hear I am waiting...with stretched arms
Promising a life...the way you dreamt

For every element of pride...
Today seems as a mirage to me...
And I'm penitent before you...

on bruised knees...
To let me stay with thee.......

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