Friday, April 29, 2011

Bang in the middle of...

Nowhere. For there had literally been nothing that could've kept me from blogging all these days. err...months, or one year three months and a dozen more days to be precise. Didn't really run short of imagination or just anything to write for almost a-year-an-a-half, (life generally doesn't not turn out to be so boring, does it?) but somehow couldn't conjure up anything amidst the randomness that has been scurrying around inside. Could have been preoccupied heavily with loads of big, little imps that people of my age ought to be, but thankfully or otherwise, I've been more than jobless. I've always been of the opinion that there exists a less flamboyant and more honest excuse than "being busy" called "lazy" and, over the last-year-and-a-half I realized to have embodied the phrase in every form.Yes, I missed writing, as more often than not these days I have rued over the choice of subject I made years back..and somewhere I still foresee the day I'll exhaust every hope of science getting me anywhere near to what I had hoped for. Perhaps this blog of mine, till then, will continue to live by intermittently as a stepchild, ruled by the rarity of thought science has infused in my system. For I believe, there are still some more years left for me, to cease walking and talking like another bright scientific geek I've successfully feigned around to be so immaculately, so long. 

Let me know if I've screwed up that too though.
P.S.- Practice maketh a man perfect. Lack of it maketh a dull read.

1 comment:

little boxes said...

now that you're at it, post more often :)