Thursday, June 12, 2008


If I were beauty, I'd be- Love
If I were a book, I'd be- The Old Testament
If I were a season, I'd be- Winter
If I were an feeling, I'd be- Repentance
If I were a cosmic element, I'd be- Saturn
If I were an invention, I'd be- The invention of Light
If I were a time, I'd be- The last hour of life
If I were an age, I'd be- 40, a viable die-able age
If I were a piece of history, I'd be- The fall of Rome
If I were a date, I'd be- The 1st of May
If I were a subject in school, I'd be- History
If I were a river, I'd be- Euphrates

If I were a sight, I'd be- The eyes of Proserpine
If I were a month, I'd be- December
If I were a word, I would be- Sorry

If I were a game, I'd be- Dart
If I were a start, I'd be- The advent of free-economy
If I were an end, I'd be- The end of superpowers
If I were a form of art, I'd be- Murals
If I were a personality, I'd be- Charlie Chaplin
If I were a habit, I'd be- Covering the mouth while a cough

If I were a fruit, I'd be- Satan's apple
If I were an animal, I'd be- Horse
If i were a leaf, i'd be- A fallen Maple
If I were a tree, I'd be- An old Willow
If I were a support, I'd be- An old man's stick
If I were a help, I'd be- A baby's walker
If I were a belonging, I'd be- A canvas
If I were a confusion, I'd be- Parallax
If I were a miracle, I'd be- The Divine Proportion
If I were a colour, I'd be- Transparent white
If I were an addiction, I'd be- Wine
If I were a monument, I'd be- The Roman Colosseum

If I were a tool, I'd be- The sculptor's chisel
If I were a distance, I'd be- that between the eyes and the mouth
If I were an expression, I'd be- The MonaLisa smile
If I were a body part, I'd be- The hamstrings
If I were a mountain, I'd be- The Alps
If I were a piece of land, I'd be- The Kolkata Maidan

If I were an essence, I'd be- The smell of a new painting
If I were a building, I'd be- The Louvre Museum
If I were a play, I'd be- Troilus and Cressida

If I were an author, I'd be- Oscar Wilde
If I were a clause, I'd be- Punishment to male gaze
If I were an amendment, I'd be- Change in perspective
If I were a creation, I'd be- Madonna of the Rocks
If I were a movie, I'd be- Hamlet

If I were a character, I'd be- Liz Taylor in Cleopatra
If I were a wonder, I'd be- The Hanging gardens of Babylon
If I were an pain, I'd be- The pain to bow down
If I were a part of the face,I'd be- An eyelash

If I were an instrument, I'd be- Piano
If I were an inspiration, I'd be- A Candle in the Wind
If I were an element, I'd be- Neon
If I were a song, I'd be- Sacrifice
If I were a place, I'd be- Oblivion

If I were an achievement, it would be- Being human
If I were a promise, I'd be- A true one.


Anonymous said...

its truly awesome. good & cool thoughts !!!
bt one thng i feel is missing in this case of urs, tht u wnt to b an ANGEL too... {tho already u r 4 some1} which u hv nt mentioned.

Anonymous said...

the line might hav been something lik this>>...

Anonymous said...

no comments this time tht cn b expressed in words...